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U-Post RV LP Gas Regulator Bracket - Qty 1
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U-Post RV LP Gas Regulator Bracket - Qty 1

Part Number: 37207-30405
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JR Products U-Post regulator bracket mounts 1 LP gas regulator on threaded tank rod. 1-800-940-8924 to order JR Products accessories and parts part number 37207-30405 or order online at Free expert support on all JR Products products. Great prices and Fastest Shipping for U-Post RV LP Gas Regulator Bracket - Qty 1. Accessories and Parts reviews from real customers.
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JR Products Accessories and Parts - 37207-30405

  • Propane Fittings
  • Regulator Parts
  • Brackets
  • JR Products

JR Products U-Post regulator bracket mounts 1 LP gas regulator on threaded tank rod.


  • Mounts 1 LP gas regulator on threaded tank rod
  • Includes (1) bracket and regulator screws

07-30405 JR Products U/Post RV LP Gas Regulator Bracket

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Video of U-Post RV LP Gas Regulator Bracket - Qty 1

Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.

Video Transcript for Detailed Breakdown of the U-Post RV LP Gas Regulator Bracket

Serviceman Hi there propane users. Today, we're going to be taking a look at a U-Post propane regulator bracket. This bracket's designed to hold your regulator and easily mount onto the threaded rod that holds your propane tanks in place. This is one of the quickest and easiest ways to get a regulator mounted up on your trailer. Now, previously the regulator on this trailer used to had a custom bracket on it that mounted it down towards the bottom there on the tank pan. But that made it really difficult to access the regulator.

And if you had to do any service or adjust it, it was way back behind the tanks. You couldn't really reach any of the adjustment valves to do so. So by getting something like this, you can very quickly get your regulator moved to a more appropriate location where you can easily access it. And I just like having it out here in front so I can easily access it. I can also just have a little bit better angle for my hoses versus the little homemade bracket that was on there.

Things we're kind of tight. This allows our hoses to pass through all the appropriate openings to get inside here to where our propane tanks are. And it also kind of helps to just alleviate some harsh angles by putting it right in the location you need to be for our tanks. So here we can see the backside of our regulator. Spacing on the bracket is going to be your standard spacing.

That's going to work with pretty much all the regulators out there. Hardware is included, so that way you can thread this right into the ports on your regulator. And you can see there's lower ones here, so you can choose the best option. The top set of holes is just better for this particular application. The bracket itself does have a powder coat on it to help protect it against rust and corrosion.

And it's a similar color to match your regulator as well, so everything just kind of matches and looks like it was supposed to be that way. It simply just sits right on top of your threaded rod and secures in place with the wing nut. And that completes our look at a U-Post regulator bracket for your propane tanks..

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Customer Reviews

U-Post RV LP Gas Regulator Bracket - Qty 1 - 37207-30405

Average Customer Rating:  4.6 out of 5 stars   (93 Customer Reviews)

JR Products U-Post regulator bracket mounts 1 LP gas regulator on threaded tank rod.


On the advise of customer service I purchased this regulator, bracket, and hoses and it worked perfectly. I had never done this type of installation before.


works great

Lyle profile picture



the changeover 2- stage regulator is working great easy to read would recommend one of these. I have two 100lb tanks works great


Easy installation


Received it very fast.. and Sheila C was very helpful and polite


Very well made bracket!


with product selection and research help from etrailer successfully installed the LP gas regulator. Tested my three burner stove and refrigerator and both work perfectly with the new LP regulator. With my old regulator I battled irregular gas flow. With expert help, easy sales transaction, quick deliver and installation instruction lead to a problem free repair. The bracket fit perfectly. Thank you


worked great


Hole pattern to mount regulator was too wide. Had to drill. Screws for mounting regulator wrong size for holes on regulator. Had to go to HW store for self tapping smaller shaft screws. Very bad.


Purchased this bracket with a new LP regulator to replace a recalled regulator on my travel trailer. The install couldn’t be easier and it works great!


Working as intended. No problems


We needed to connect dual tanks at our ADU and these are the perfect solution. But almost better than the great products is the care and attention our small order received. Items were on backorder and they continued to be in contact with us concerning when to expect them. We would order again from them in a heartbeat!


George J. Kept me updated on my order as the item was out of stock. Once they received it they shipped it out. Every time I’ve ordered form etrailer service has been outstanding


Speedy delivery and service as always. Wyoming winter caught up to my outdoor projects so the planned installation has been moved to the spring.


Proper mounting bracket?


Products arrived and seem ok. Packaging was garbage with packaged items opened during transit and parts laying in box.


A must have if you have installed gas stop. Easy to install, sturdy and well made. etrailer shipped quick as always, the low price guarantee means I feel confident I got the best price.


Screws did not fit the regulator I bought. Hardware is substandard, go to a hardware store and pick up new screws


Not nearly as good as original, so I modified original and used it.


Gwendolyn Y was fantastic. When I called she showed me the part I needed and made the effort to get it shipped the same day.
Professional and pleasant!
Thank you!


The screws that were provided to attach the bracket to the regulator were very tight. A little hard to set. I had to back them off two or three times and really work to get them in without stripping the threads. Now that I’ve got them in it’s nice and secure


I am so pleased with the level of Customer Service that I have received. Even though my first orders have been small, I have been treated as though they we huge orders. Thank you!


Fits perfect


It works well with the regulator.


Worked perfectly with my new JR Low Flow Regulator.


Best price for this piece was at e-trailer. Works perfect.

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