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Replacement Heavy Duty Air Spring for Firestone Airide Commercial Air Springs - Qty 1

Replacement Heavy Duty Air Spring for Firestone Airide Commercial Air Springs - Qty 1

Part Number: FW013585770
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You Save: $136.84
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Replaces a reversible, sleeve-style 1T spring for Firestone Airide commercial truck and trailer air springs. Designed for Ridewell 1003585770C or Watson and Chalin AS-0042 rear-axle applications. 1-800-940-8924 to order Firestone accessories and parts part number FW013585770 or order online at Free expert support on all Firestone products. Great prices and Fastest Shipping for Replacement Heavy Duty Air Spring for Firestone Airide Commercial Air Springs - Qty 1. Accessories and Parts reviews from real customers.
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Firestone Accessories and Parts - FW013585770

  • Vehicle Suspension
  • Springs
  • Air Spring
  • Firestone
  • Airide

Replaces a reversible, sleeve-style 1T spring for Firestone Airide commercial truck and trailer air springs. Designed for Ridewell 1003585770C or Watson and Chalin AS-0042 rear-axle applications.


  • Replaces 1 heavy-duty air spring for Firestone Airide commercial truck and trailer air springs
  • Works with Ridewell 1003585770C or Watson and Chalin AS-0042 rear-axle applications
  • Includes 1 reversible, sleeve-style 1T spring
  • Made in the USA

W013585770 Replacement Firestone Heavy Duty Air Helper Spring - Rear Axle - 1T Reversible Sleeve Style - Qty 1


Video of Replacement Heavy Duty Air Spring for Firestone Airide Commercial Air Springs - Qty 1

Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.

Video Transcript for Review of Firestone Vehicle Suspension Parts - Replacement Reversible 1T Air Bag - FW013585770

Hey, everyone. I'm Ellen here at And today we're taking a look at the Firestone Heavy Duty Air Helper Spring. This is going to be a replacement part. It's for your rear axle on your heavy duty truck. And this is a T1 reversible style sleeve.

So that means that the sleeve can go up into the bag and back down and not be affected by that movement. We'll also have the nice rolled crimp around at the top. So this is going to be a very durable, well-built, well-made bag to provide you with that heavy duty support. So you can get your truck leveled out, provide that road cushioning for hauling your heavy load. This is going to also replace the Ride Well, and the Watson and Chelan bags.

Those part numbers are going to be for the Ride well, 1003585770 C and for the Watson and Chelan, it's AS-0042. So should be a good replacement for you.Just to give you some measurements for reference the diameter here at the top is nine inches across. The distance between our mounting stud for our air fitting and the mounting stud there, it's about five and a half inches, center to center. This is going to have an outer diameter of three quarters of an inch and an inner diameter of seven sixteenths. And our smaller stud here is going to be a half inch in diameter.The distance coming away from our bag is about half an inch for both of those.

And then on the bottom, we'll have another three quarter inch stud there. And that also comes off the bag housing about two inches. So just the measurements there to make sure that this is going to be the right fit for you. As I mentioned, it is a fit for the Ride Well, and the Watson and Chelan bags. So it should get you back out on the road, hauling safely, and having that road cushioning support that you've come to know and expect from Firestone.

And that's going to do it for our look at the replacement Firestone Heavy Duty Air Helper Springs for the rear axle..

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Replacement Heavy Duty Air Spring for Firestone Airide Commercial Air Springs - Qty 1 - FW013585770

Average Customer Rating:  5.0 out of 5 stars   (8 Customer Reviews)

Replaces a reversible, sleeve-style 1T spring for Firestone Airide commercial truck and trailer air springs. Designed for Ridewell 1003585770C or Watson and Chalin AS-0042 rear-axle applications.




Great customer service.
Thank you K


Good morning Kaylyn. I finally got back from my trip to Alberta,Canada and finally got around to installing the airbags that you sent me. They fit perfect. The only thing I had to do was to install different air fittings, which was minor. Thank you for your time and effort in finding a replacement for my old ones. Two other companies just brushed me off. They acted like they just didn't card. Thanks for your time and effort.


Quick service - correct parts






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