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Equal-i-zer Weight Distribution Shank - 12" Long - 10" Rise, 6" Drop - 400 lbs TW

Equal-i-zer Weight Distribution Shank - 12" Long - 10" Rise, 6" Drop - 400 lbs TW

Part Number: EQ90-02-4340
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Shank offers up to a 10" rise and a 6" drop for your Equal-i-zer weight distribution system. Measures 12" long and fits 2" x 2" trailer hitches. 1-800-940-8924 to order Equal-i-zer accessories and parts part number EQ90-02-4340 or order online at Free expert support on all Equal-i-zer products. Great prices and Fastest Shipping for Equal-i-zer Weight Distribution Shank - 12" Long - 10" Rise, 6" Drop - 400 lbs TW. Accessories and Parts reviews from real customers.
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Equal-i-zer Accessories and Parts - EQ90-02-4340

  • Weight Distribution Hitch
  • Shanks
  • Fits 2 Inch Hitch
  • Equal-i-zer
  • Square - 6 Inch Drop
  • Equal-i-zer
  • Square - 10 Inch Rise
  • 300 lbs TW

Shank offers up to a 10" rise and a 6" drop for your Equal-i-zer weight distribution system. Measures 12" long and fits 2" x 2" trailer hitches.


  • Shank slides into your hitch receiver and provides the attachment point for your Equal-i-zer weight distribution system's head assembly
    • Designed for use with systems rated at 4,000 lbs GTW
  • 6 Adjustment holes for attaching the head assembly
    • Lets you level your trailer with your tow vehicle
  • Drop or rise positions available to fit your application
  • Dipped steel resists corrosion
  • Made in the USA


  • Fits: 2" x 2" trailer hitch receivers
  • Tongue weight: 400 lbs
  • Maximum rise: 10"
  • Maximum drop: 6"
  • Overall dimensions: 12" long x 11-1/2" high
  • Distance from center of pin hole to back of adjustable shank: 7"
  • Distance between adjustment pin hole to hitch pin hole (center-on-center): 8"
  • Distance from center of hitch pin hole to front of adjustment shank: 9"
  • Spacing between adjustment pin holes: 1-1/4"

Dimensional Diagram

90-02-4340 Equalizer Weight-Distribution Shank - 12" Long

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Customer Reviews

Equal-i-zer Weight Distribution Shank - 12" Long - 10" Rise, 6" Drop - 400 lbs TW - EQ90-02-4340

Average Customer Rating:  4.8 out of 5 stars   (432 Customer Reviews)

Shank offers up to a 10" rise and a 6" drop for your Equal-i-zer weight distribution system. Measures 12" long and fits 2" x 2" trailer hitches.


























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See what our Experts say about this Equal-i-zer Accessories and Parts

  • Recommended Weight Distribution Shank for Equalizer EQ37100ET with More Drop Than Stock Shank
    I do have a solution for you, but you will need to use a weight distribution shank that is compatible with your Equalizer # EQ37100ET weight distribution system and not one that has been altered. I recommend using the Equal-i-zer Weight Dist Shank - 12" Long - 7" Rise, 3" Drop - 600 to 1,400 lbs TW # EQ90-02-4100, which is compatible with your Equalizer system. This keeps your warranty in tact and is the best solution for this problem. If you need something with more drop then you can...
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  • Replacement Shank for Equal-I-zer 4,000 Pound Weight Distribution Systems
    For your 4,000 pound Equal-I-zer weight distribution system I recommend shank # EQ90-02-4340. It has the proper hole diameter to mount the head to the shank (5/8 inch). You can also use # EQ90-02-4240 or # EQ90-02-4140. The Equal-i-zer Weight Distribution Shank # EQ90-02-4400 has the mounting holes with a 3/4 inch diameter. The head on your 4K Equal-I-zer system should be using 5/8 inch diameter bolts so it would not work with this shank.
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  • Best Weight Distribution With Sway Control for Scamp 13 Trailer
    We have the perfect option for a your lightweight Scamp 13 trailer for a weight distribution system with sway control that will also allow you to back up with the system connected, which is the following: - Fastway e2 Weight Distribution with 2-Point Sway Control # FA92-00-0450 There are a number of reasons why I really like the Fastway, starting with its highly effective sway control, which occurs via friction at two points on the brackets to keep your trailer from moving. The e2 is...
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  • Recommended Weight Distribution Shank for Horse Trailer With Total Weight of 6,900 lbs
    If I'm understanding correctly, it sounds like what you need is a weight distribution shank with the correct amount of rise or drop, which the Weigh Safe you referenced would not be used for. In order to figure the right amount of rise or drop, you need to measure from the ground to the top of the inside of your hitch receiver and then measure from the ground to the bottom of your trailer's coupler and find the difference between the two measurements. If the height of your hitch is greater,...
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  • Recommendation For Weight Distribution For R-Pod 171
    When selecting a weight distribution system for your R-Pod 171, the key factor is the tongue weight (TW) of your towing setup. This means the total load of your trailer with all the gear and supplies included. You will also need to add any weight from behind your tow vehicle's rear axle to determine total tongue weight. TW is 10% to 15% of the total weight of your fully loaded trailer. For example: a trailer fully loaded at 3,500-lbs would have a TW of 350-lbs to 525-lbs. Ideally,...
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  • Can a Weight Distribution with Sway Control System be Used on Lifted Truck
    You can certainly use a weight distribution system on your lifted truck. The key will be to find a weight distribution shank that offers you enough drop to be able to tow your trailer level. Weight distribution systems are available without a shank so that you can choose the one that works best for you. For example, if you have a trailer that has a loaded and ready to tow tongue weight somewhere around 1,000 pounds, a system like the Equal-i-zer Weight Distribution with 4-Point Sway Control...
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  • Troubleshooting 2K Trailer Sway While Towing with a 2021 Ram 2500 Cummins
    It sounds like your camper is catching wind on the highway and causing that sway you're talking about. To remedy this you need to invest in a weight distribution system that includes sway control. Normally weight distribution is only used if the trailer weighs at least half the weight of the tow vehicle but it sounds like in your case there is an exception. For a weight distribution system I recommend checking out the Equal-i-zer Weight Distribution System # EQ37040ET which has the proper...
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  • Recommended Weight Distribution System for 2016 Ram
    In order to choose the best weight distribution hitch, you will first need to know your total tongue weight. That weight is going to be the tongue weight of your fully loaded and ready to go 2018 R-Pod 180 plus the weight of any cargo behind the rear axle of your 2016 Ram. To determine this you can use a scale such as the Sherline # 5780 or by using one of the methods outlined in the help article on determining tongue weight I've linked for you.
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  • Does Equal-i-zer Weight Distribution System EQ37041ET Come With a Shank?
    The Equal-i-zer Weight Distribution # EQ37041ET does not come with a shank. This system has a tongue weight capacity of up to 400 lbs and there are three shanks compatible with that weight capacity, each of which are 12" long and fit 2" hitches: # EQ90-02-4140 offers up to 7" of rise or 3" of drop # EQ90-02-4240 offers up to 8" of rise or 4" of drop # EQ90-02-4340 offers up to 10" of rise or 6" of drop
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