If your electric fan, including one on a remote, fan-mounted cooler, draws more than 10 amps of power, a relay is recommended to prevent any disruption of your vehicle's electrical system.
Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.
Hello everybody. This is Jeff with etrailer.com. Today we take a look at the Derale 40/60-Amp Single Relay with the wiring harness. Now, this relay here will allow you to use an electric fan or fans that'll draw more than 10 amps. This relay will control up to two different fans with a combined maximum draw of 25 continuous amps. It does include everything shown here on the table the 40/60-amp relay and the wiring harness with a nice set of instructions.
Now, this will prevent the fan from adversely affecting the electrical system on your vehicle. As you can see the wiring harness, it's designed with a color coded wiring harness and the instructions will show you what each color connects to. This does also offer an AC override circuit which is the green wire right here. This green wire will connect to the AC clutch and allow you to turn on the electric fan every time the vehicle's AC is turned on. But basically you can see this is designed to just plug right into the wiring harness like that.
But that should do it for the review on the Derale 40/60-Amp single relay with the wiring harness..
Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars (3 Customer Reviews)
If your electric fan, including one on a remote, fan-mounted cooler, draws more than 10 amps of power, a relay is recommended to prevent any disruption of your vehicle's electrical system.Works great just what I was looking for. Fast shipping.
Prompt excellent service
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