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Replacement Logs for Camco Big Red Portable Gas Campfire

Replacement Logs for Camco Big Red Portable Gas Campfire

Part Number: CAM58037
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Replaces the logs and 9-1/2" burner ring for Camco Big Red portable gas camp fire. 1-800-940-8924 to order Camco accessories and parts part number CAM58037 or order online at Free expert support on all Camco products. Great prices and Fastest Shipping for Replacement Logs for Camco Big Red Portable Gas Campfire. Accessories and Parts reviews from real customers.
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Camco Accessories and Parts - CAM58037

  • Portable Grills and Fire Pits
  • Fire Pit Parts
  • Logs
  • Camco

Replaces the logs and 9-1/2" burner ring for Camco Big Red portable gas camp fire.


  • Replaces the logs and burner ring for Camco Big Red portable gas camp fire (CAM58035)
    • Realistic log pieces and 9-1/2" diameter ring burner create a natural look and ambiance

58037 Replacement Logs for Camco Big Red Portable Gas Camp Fire

Video of Replacement Logs for Camco Big Red Portable Gas Campfire

Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.

Video Transcript for Replacement Logs for Camco Big Red Portable Gas Campfire Spec Review

Hello, neighbors and friends, Steven here with Folks, today, we're looking at the replacement log set for the Camco Big Red Portable Gas Campfire. So if you're not sure what that is, here's an in image of it above my left shoulder. That's the Big Red Portable Gas Campfire, not to be confused with the Small or Little Portable Gas Campfire that we carry as well. So again, this is for the Big Portable Gas Campfire. I'm gonna throw up the part number as well, you can purchase that separately if you don't already have one.

And folks, these basically are just gonna replace the logs and the burner ring, what they call it, for the Camco Big Red Portable Gas Campfire. Now, it does give you a very nice, realistic log piece, it's 9 1/2 inch diameter, and this is what they call ring burner. So it's been molded to sit on the ring of the burner itself in that fire pit. Now, again, the log's realistic, super lightweight, and they also give off realistic ash. I was touching these earlier, setting them out, and I noticed I was getting some ash looking stuff on my fingers, so I kinda liked it, honestly.

Very realistic, this would sit on top of the burner, and the logs would then sit on top of that. So very nice design, very nice concept. Again, you could twist the top one however you want, depending on the angle. It'll probably look the same no matter how you have it turned though, most likely. Folks, again, that's been our look at the replacement logs for the Camco Big Red Portable Gas Campfire.

I'm Steve with Thank you so much for watching, and have a great day.

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Customer Reviews

Replacement Logs for Camco Big Red Portable Gas Campfire - CAM58037

Average Customer Rating:  4.6 out of 5 stars   (8 Customer Reviews)

Replaces the logs and 9-1/2" burner ring for Camco Big Red portable gas camp fire.


Overall happy with everything. Delivery was slightly damaged, but was able to repair with high temp adhesive glue. All taking care of


Hi: We received the replacement parts for our Big Red Fire Pit.
Every thing came without any breakage.

Rose G. was so helpful. She went above and beyond, to find the parts we needed, she gave us excellent costumer service, this is very rare to see. Just can't say enough, about the great service we received.
Thanks so much' Sharon G.


Needed a replacement for our campfire in a can. This works perfect







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